Yesterday I received a much needed day time break. The kids and I set a play date for them with their great grandma cha cha (see above image) over google chat. Yep, I have a pretty tech savvy grandmother! She kept them for 4 hours yesterday afternoon. It was so great to be able to get out by myself during the day. I was able to go to run to the grocery store, hit up an antique store, and a couple thrift stores. I spent a whole $4 on my excursion on a few records. Including a couple Chopin records that I was pretty happy to find. Having days a lone like that really make it hard not to entertain ideas of having the kids in school and being a free lady. But, even if the kids were in school I would probably find a job during their school hours, and then, I would dream of just staying home with my kids. The grass is always greener right?
I had a couple of surprise T-shirt orders come in from Bandwagon this week. The past couple evenings were spent seam ripping necklines, and sewing in hem tags. Which has thrown off my personal reading, and my project that I am working on. In just a few minutes I am going to drop Syd off to play with her friend Katia, and then I am going to come back home and work on my little project. If I get enough done on it perhaps I will share in the next couple days!
I am so anxious to see your project finished...much impressed with you girl!