Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Fire and how you can help...

One Wednesday, April 13th the apartment below ours caught fire. The fire spread to our apartment destroying most everything in our bedroom and the kids bedroom. What wasn't destroyed by flames was damaged by water and smoke. Our family has been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people around us. We have had people give us gift cards, money, physical help, and prayers. We appreciate it all so much. We have had a lot of people ask about items we need. So I am putting this list together for anyone who might be able to help with the lost items/things that would help.

  • 4 twin size mattresses
  • 1 full or queen size mattress
  • Boys socks (size 9, sizes 11, 12)
  • Boys undies (size 3T, size 4-5T)
  • Girls socks (size 1)
  • Girls undies (size 6 or 7)
  • Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils
  • Boys shirts (size 3T)
  • Boys pants/shorts (size 3T, 4T-6T)
  • Various sewing notions (seam rippers, tailors chalk, etc)
  • Kids DVD's
  • Kitchen table (seats 10-12)
  • Sleeping bags
  • Baby wipes
Also, my amazing friend Vanessa is selling some prints to benefit our family!

All of the kids toys were saved, so we are good on that front. Things keep coming to me as more time passes so I will keep this list updated. If you would like to donate a gift card it would be amazing to have them from Target (we have to buy all new toiletries, cleaners, etc) or Ikea (my lovely aunt will be driving a truck load down in mid May).

Even if you have nothing physical to help we appreciate prayers, thoughts, good vibes, etc. A fire is a traumatic experience, especially for kids. They just had to sit and watch the whole thing take place.

We are currently staying at my parents house, and are actively seeking a place to rent. If you know of anything please give us a heads up. We need (at least) 3 bedrooms and are looking to live in either Midtown, Northeast, or Raytown. Gardening area is a plus :)

Again, we appreciate everyone who has been there for us in one way or another, I am so thankful for you all. Thank you so much! If you have questions or want the address we are currently located at please email me emily.soulliere(at)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


If a wish granting fairy were to swoop down right now to grant my wishes this is what would happen...

My family would be finishing up our modest home on the a little corner of Shamayim Hill. I would settle for a mobile home, it really doesn't need to be anything fancy. There would be a cute little fence around the yard with chickens and a kitchen garden. Our water would come from collection units with filters that clean it before it comes into our house. Solar panels would be added from time to time when finances allow.

I would be able to help my family with the gardens, chickens, goats, and cows...milking, making cheese, collecting eggs, and canning and canning and canning. I love to imagine my kids roaming around the land, tromping around the woods, and entertaining themselves with things that dont have to plug into a wall. Christian would stay home with us all day and design beautiful things and play with us. We would educate our kids together, and just LIVE.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

On community.

Eric's sermon at Revolution this morning touched on the importance of community, specifically when facing trials. It really made me start thinking about the community our family has right now, and how much that has changed in the past 2 years. We are blessed to have a strong community of people around us right now. People who would do anything for us. Hardly any of us go to the same church, but that doesn't matter. 2 years ago though, we had a small group meeting in our house every Sunday night, and we had a house of people, from that small group, living across the street from us. We didn't do everything right. Thats for sure. But, we were there for each other. We shared meals, cars, tears, frustrations, loss, and love. Even though those times were hard I am about 93% sure I would throw my family back into that situation again.

These days we are in a new church situation. I don't have a strong feeling of community at Revolution. Mainly because of our geographical location I think, we live too far, and gas is too expensive to make it to their home groups that meet throughout the week. Those home groups(or a Sunday school class), they are key. That is where the community building happens. Where it really comes to life. Though we do have people around us right now, that I would consider my community, a lot of them are based in the Raytown area. It literally makes me queazy to think about that fact that when our lease is up (in just a few short months) I have no idea really where we will be living. Probably in the city somewhere, but the thought of having to rebuild our community and try to fit our (rather large) family into a new "place" makes it hard to breath. I know that I need to branch out. And not think of this as replacing our current community, but more like broadening it.

Life is so much more bearable when you have people going it with you. I love you guys.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thrifting and wallowing...

I have been making myself comfortable at my go to thrift stores lately...probably a little too comfortable...I seem to have this problem with ever doing certain things (think spending, eating, internet, thinking, worrying, yep. basically everything). Anyway, Here are some of my favorite finds...

See those trays...the ones behind the owl? There are 4 of them and I am planning on letting the kids eat on them or play with magnets on them. They are so cute!

See this! I love the illustrations!! So good!

This is hanging next to the front door now!

I like saucers. A lot. I like to use them as coasters. A lot.

This quilt is so cute! It has some weak spots on it so I knew it wouldn't survive washings and the wear and tear of constant use, so my sewing room has some curtains!

Find of the century!! I paid .50 for this popcorn popper. I think it had maybe been used once maybe. This makes for a quick afternoon snack!!

Found this in Oklahoma on my visit early this month. I was so excited to find that it worked and then was completely bummed to find that it got a few bumps and bruises in my suitcase I checked on the way home.


Yet another Oklahoma find. I love it.

On another note...I was thinking the other day about how I need to adjust my thinking. I find myself wallowing around in the fact that my platonic life partner lives so far away...and with the recent move of Jacob and Rachel, my wallowing had become more and more frequent. I found myself thinking about Sydney the other day...hoping that she will find true loving friendship in her future. Thats when it hit me. I should be thankful for the deep bonds of friendship I have been blessed with. I shouldn't feel sorry for myself that these friends are so far away. I will be beyond happy if Sydney can have even an ounce of the friendship I have with these. Its so rare. is to celebrating. I will wallow in my blessings, and be thankful for my friends.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things to do while Vanessa is here...(aka another reason to make a list)

A few months back Vanessa and I decided that we at least needed to be able to visit each other on our birthdays. So, Vanessa is coming in on the 14th of July (her birthday is actually the 1st of July, but we decided we would like to be together for The Deathly Hollows Pt 2) and I am planning planning planning all the places we need to go/things we need to do while she is here...

Food Places
  • Breakfast with Grandma ChaCha
  • Chich-Fil-A
  • Shamayimhill Cafe



  • Benettis (at least 987698769876 trips, below is a picture of me and Vanessa 20 some odd years ago...again, stolen from her flickr)


Falling behind...

I have seriously fallen behind in my whole "blog more" goal. And, Its not even that I dont have anything going on in my life. There is plenty going on around here....I just haven't been writing about it.

Here is a quick overview of what's been going on....

  • I got to spend a great weekend in Oklahoma at the beginning of the month. I got to totally surprise Vanessa! Cory kept the kids and we got to just run around drinking copious amounts of coffee and tea! I love this picture from Vanessa's flickr!

  • Christian agreed that a serger would be a good investment. So we found the perfect one of craigslist!

  • My parents bought the cutest baby goat you have ever seen!

  • My sister is moving back to Raytown this week! I am pretty excited to have my movie buddy back. (I dont envy her list of things to do though)

  • Thrift stores have been very kind to me lately. In fact, I think I am going to do a separate post later on just to share my latest thrift store finds.

The weather has been incredible the past few days and it is weird to see people out and about on foot again. The kids and I have enjoyed a couple walks lately and there will be more in the very near future. I even went to stake claims on a garden bed at the Raytown Community Garden this afternoon. Spring is here! and it makes me happy beyond belief. Another benefit of being outside is the smell of roasting coffee! Benettis has opened a roasting location across the street from us. I am in no way shape or form a coffee drinker. I enjoy making Christians coffee, but you wont find me sneaking drinks. But, I do love the smell of roasting coffee!

I am currently working on putting together a list of projects to work on. I have been in a creative funk...or coma might be a better word. So I am going to try to do a couple projects every week, just following tutorials already out there on the interwebs to try to get the creative juices flowing again.

There are a ton of pictures on our flickr page. Having an iPhone has really made picture sharing a lot easier for me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today I am thankful for...

  • Kids, my kids. My kids that love to play games, and don't hold their anger long. My kids that smile and me and hug. My kids that are creative little artists, singer/song writers, architects, and forensic anthropologists.
  • A wonderfully creative husband. When I am around him I feel creatively inadequate. He works hard, which allows me to stay home. He makes me laugh. He loves me.
  • My sewing room. A place to work. A place to create. A place to share with my kids.
  • A new laptop for our family. Shiny, new, just out of the package.
  • Tax returns that allow for said laptop.
  • My parents and their pork.
  • My sisters and my brother.
  • Getting all the trash out of our van. Seriously, it was bad. I am just glad its done.
  • My best friend, my other half, my platonic life partner. Even if she lives 6hrs away. I am so thankful for technology that allows us to call each other for free (thank you mobile to mobile minutes), video chat, text, email, cyber window shop, etc.
  • NO MORE DIAPERS!!! Uri is successfully potty trained. I mean, staying dry at night, potty trained. Yep, its amazing.
  • Vehicles that work.
  • Houses that keep us warm and safe.
  • Embroidery.
  • Quilts.
  • Awesome Aunts.
  • Giving Grandparents.
  • Legos.
  • Coffee nights at Benettis.

Obviously there are many things to be thankful for. These are the ones fresh in my mind right now.

There is a homeschool meeting tomorrow night! Us moms are going to get together and play games and just enjoy each others company. It was a lot of fun last month, so I look forward to it again.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Its all good...

My eyes sting from crying, my ego hurts from being beat at skip
bo, and my belly is full from lunch.
In a weird way this has been a great day. Which means, its a great improvement over yesterday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am not going to lie...

Seriously everything about today has been difficult for me.
Im not sure why, or what it is that happen ever so often. I just get
the desire to sit and not do a thing. I suppose I could blame it on
"womanly issues" but really, I just think I am tired. Having four kids
over the span of 4 years and staying home with them, can really take
something out of a person. There are so many days that I desire nothing
more than to just enroll the kids in school and have my days to fiddle
away on everything or nothing. Then I wake up and snap out of it.
Please understand that I love my children. A lot. I once
believed that as a mother you were called to educate your children at
home. I am strongly beginning to doubt this. Or am I just being lazy?
These are the types of back and forth thoughts that will drive a woman


In other news Christian and I switched carriers, and got new
phones. Keeping with the goal of buying nothing new I got a refurbished

The wallpapers available at Poolga make me very happy.


Probably the most exciting thing going on around here is the recent addition to the potty trained club! Uri has gone almost a week now with no accidents, and is even staying dry during nap time. I am not brave enough yet to leave him unpulluped overnight. If he continues on this path though I will try him in the next couple days.


I kind of want to pause the whole "buy nothing new" thing for these or these. I wouldn't have to feel like I sold out if someone were to gift them to me...I wear a size 10.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh wait, I have a blog?...

There really hasn't been much to talk about lately...If I would have updated anytime in the last week it would have looked something like this...


So, there you have it.

I guess there has been a little bit of excitement! I reclaimed a sewing room in our apartment! When we moved in Sydney had her own room, and the boys shared. Most nights Syd ended up on the floor in the boys room with a sleeping bag anyway, so we shifted things around and she now has more comfortable arrangements (complete with mattress and all). Thus, I have a sewing room! The kids still have the Playmobils in the sewing room so they can play while I sew, and Syd still has her reading nook. But I now have a place to go and spread out and sew! I have done an order of tshirts in the new area, a kindle case, and a skirt. It has been so nice.

I love the view I have from the sewing room windows. Its a 70+ year old drug store in down town Raytown!

I think the kids really enjoy sharing the space with me. Isa and Uri laid out pillow cases (or pillow sheets as they call them) all over the floor to make the ocean, and then used Lego bucks with pencil flags ticky tacked to them for boats. It was really cute once I realized why they were pulling out the freshly folded pillow cases.

A few random things...

  • I have been stalking Vanessa on skype waaaay too much today.
  • I really enjoy looking at house listings online.
  • After saving for a few months, we ordered new phones today!
  • Spring cannot come soon enough.
  • That new Robin Hood movie is great.
  • I want to see Beastly. I will understand if you dont want to be my friend anymore.
  • My mom brought me a surprise pork package. mmmmm...
  • Sydney doesn't understand why Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione cant just mind their own business.
  • I have really been enjoying church lately.
  • Our best in town friends are moving. While I am happy for them, I am totally sad for myself.
  • Sydney wants to know what this says but I wont tell her.

This post is in loving memory of Bruiser. Who has now found his way into my belly. Thanks old friend.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random List...and Random Rant...

There are a handful of things I am trying to make a conscious effort to do.

I wont call them resolutions or goals because that almost insures their failure.

1. Eat more local food. This is especially hard for me during the winter months. Im not creative with food.

2. Less yelling.

3. Pay more attention to my kids schooling.

4. Be more creative.

5. Read more. (I have set a goal of reading 27 books this year. Thanks to the Kindle I got for Christmas I have read 9 books so far.
So I should be able to accomplish this, at least.

6. Keep the house cleaned up more regularly.

7. Play more cards/board games.

8. Take more pictures.

9. Buy everything used. (There will of course be things we just cant/shouldn't buy used...but I am talking, clothes, furniture, shoes, etc.)

10. Really, I couldn't think of anything else. I just thought 10 was a nice round number to stop at.

In other news...I thought it would be extremely smart to venture out into the snow yesterday. I had cabin fever, and just had to get out.
Well...I didn't even make it to a main street before I was stuck. Really stuck. After being passed by 3 police officers, 2 tow truck drivers, and countless men in big trucks three ladies stopped to help.
They dug the scion out (worst car ever to drive in snow btw, only because it sit sooo low) and pushed me to freedom. So thank you mystery ladies.

Also, if Uri doesn't give into potty training soon I might just go nuts. Anyone want to take him for a couple weeks and deal with that for me?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Grass is Always Greener...

Yesterday I received a much needed day time break. The kids and I set a play date for them with their great grandma cha cha (see above image) over google chat. Yep, I have a pretty tech savvy grandmother! She kept them for 4 hours yesterday afternoon. It was so great to be able to get out by myself during the day. I was able to go to run to the grocery store, hit up an antique store, and a couple thrift stores. I spent a whole $4 on my excursion on a few records. Including a couple Chopin records that I was pretty happy to find. Having days a lone like that really make it hard not to entertain ideas of having the kids in school and being a free lady. But, even if the kids were in school I would probably find a job during their school hours, and then, I would dream of just staying home with my kids. The grass is always greener right?

I had a couple of surprise T-shirt orders come in from Bandwagon this week. The past couple evenings were spent seam ripping necklines, and sewing in hem tags. Which has thrown off my personal reading, and my project that I am working on. In just a few minutes I am going to drop Syd off to play with her friend Katia, and then I am going to come back home and work on my little project. If I get enough done on it perhaps I will share in the next couple days!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sometimes I do a lot of laundry...

I read somewhere a few months back that people who regularly tidy up their houses are usually thinner. Hmmmm...

Saturday morning I left the house around 7:30am to go to the laundromat around the corner from us. While I enjoy my trips to the laundromat, not having a washer and dryer in the apartment is definitely one of the down sides to where we are living right now. The nicest thing about using the laundromat (besides the amazing customer service, no, that wasn't sarcasm) is the ability to get my whole families weekly laundry done in under 2hrs. I just load up the biggest machine they have (whom I have loving deemed "Big Bertha") and read. 24 minutes later I shove it all in the dryer, and head out on foot to Benettis where I sip on tea and read until my load should be done. This is my laundry routine, and this Saturday was no exception.

When I got home, folded laundry in hand, I was surprised to find christian in the boys room. He was running the vacuum, the final step in the daunting task that had been cleaning that room. Now, this was no ordinary room spruce up. This room was trashed. And had been. For weeks. (Now you see where I am connecting my opening thought? I totally prove whomever said this to be correct)Our friends Cory and Vanessa (and their three kids) came in to visit over New Years. We all had a wonderful time! The kids played, and played, and played, having full reign on the boys bedroom. Based on mess to fun ratio...the fun was intense! And yes, I put off and put off cleaning. Meaning the original mess had multiplied to a number I cant even count to. Almost a month later the cleaning finally got done, only, I might add, because my husband took the initiative. We also went ahead and cleaned out Syds room as well collecting a trash bag of stuff to donate, and created a little reading nook for her. In the course of cleaning the kids rooms we had another full basket of dirty laundry.

So...remember that laundry routine? Yep, I repeated that Sat afternoon. Which was actually a good thing. I went ahead and washed all the kids coats and some other random household items that were in need. I was also joined at Benettis by my friend Cassie.

Last night Christian and I started watching The Walking Dead. He sat and worked on some sketches and I started working on a secret project, that I am excited and nervous about. Here is a sneak peak...

Yeah...that really doesn't show you much of anything. Sorry. This project is actually turning out to be a bigger pain that I had originally thought it would be.

You can always check out more of what we are doing in our family flickr stream!

Friday, January 21, 2011


A few short months ago my children discovered the joy of Legos. And I mean JOY...In an effort to simplify our lives we reevaluated our families toy situation. We had a lot of little stuff that people had either given to them or stuff that had meandered its way to our house in mystical ways that I am still trying to figure out. I was more than thrilled to fill up a couple black trash bags with the majority of the kids toys, and to my surprise, they didn't seem to mind. We left the donation spot (a local thrift store) feeling lighter and pleased with our good dead. So, after the trash bag incident our inventory was as follows: dinosaurs, a dozen or so schleich animals, soft foam building blocks, lincoln logs, and a wooden train set. Knowing that two of my kids had birthdays around the corner, Christian and I decided that we would introduce two new toys in their repertoire. Our objectives were simple 1. Find toys that would grow with them 2. Find toys that can easily be added to. The first choice was rather simple. Legos. I love playing with Legos, Christian loves Legos, what could go wrong?

The collection started small and has grown, and grown, and grown. All
All the kids asked for for Christmas was Legos. All they asked for for their birthdays
were Legos. And, I kid you not, they play Legos every free moment they get.
Ira, our in house artist has even started drawing Lego Minifigures. Its a sickness.
But I love it. I have noticed, that in using the Legos very frequently their number skills
have developed more. They constantly ask to be passed a "6 headed" or "4 headed" block. And the person
doing the passing can pick the desired number out very quickly. Uri's color skills have really taken off.
We sort our Legos by color for building ease, and that little boy can sort them right a long with the "big kids."
I also love to watch them work together to follow building instructions, or even better, build something
straight from their imaginations. All in all I feel like Legos have really been a great addition to our lives.

Did I mention they are great for school? Sydney is studying ancient Egypt now,
and had fun building pyramids all afternoon.

The second new toy to add was a little harder to decide on. After a few
talks with my friend at our weekly coffee date it seemed like a no brainer. We decided to move forward
on Playmobils. I remember playing with Playmobils, probably into my tween at least...maybe longer? There are endless
amounts of sets available and seem to stand the test of time. We have used our Playmobil people to act out Bible lessons (Sydney got the nativity set for Christmas), and I love
that really, all of the toys we own now can play together. Playmobil people (in our house at least) are friends with the Lego people,
and they all ride the train, and sometimes log cabins are built for them. There are endless possibilities.

The only down side I have encountered with these toys in the price point. It is expensive to start a Lego or Playmobil collection.
Especially one that can cater to 4 kids. One thing I did (after my coffee friend told me about it) was to sign up for a Borders Rewards card. Its free, and they send out 40-50% off coupons
that can be used on any one item in the store. And guess what they sell there....yep, Legos AND Playmobils. Between Christians and my rewards accounts we were able to
get the kids one set each (either Legos or Playmobils) for Christmas. And we paid right under $50 total for ALL of the kids christmas presents.

So, this was the tale of how we got rid of all of our kids toys, and got cooler ones that we wanted to play with.
errrr. I mean. This is how we simplified our toy situation.

The kids even came up with having a monthly building club. They want to invite friends over to build together.
How fun is that? I am hoping that we can start doing it in the spring, once all this horrible snow is past.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am human. And in such, have many flaws. One of my main flaws would be the inability to have any form of consistency in my life. Now, as a single young teenager, or even as a teenage newly wed this was not an issue. My inconsistent behaviors affects only me, and later only myself and Christian. The problems I am running into now are these 4 children I have been blessed with. I want to show them consistency, and more importantly, teach them to carry it over into their own lives.

So the first section of life I am tackling is school/education/learning whatever you want to call it. I am not really sure what type of teaching style you could say we are going with. One thing I have learned through the process of trying to homeschool and being homeschooled myself is that you cant always pick one style and stick with it. We do some things in a very unschooling type manner, use some text books, and push heavily on home economic type subjects. This is what works for us. Another thing I have learned: No two families are a like, different things work for different people. The later realization crosses over into basically every aspect of life. So embrace it.

Anything that I write/share about schooling is not be held in a bragging/look at how great i am manner. I am using this blog as accountability. I will report back here with what we are doing. In the right hand margin I have added a Goodreads widget to keep track of our reading. I have the goal set at 750 for this year. Thats sitting down with my kids and reading a little over two books per day. I would love to hear suggestions for kids books to read. Also, please friend us on goodreads if you have one for your kids.

I know that, through practice I can be the teacher that my kids need. I know it will be hard work. But, this is my job. So I need to learn to do it well.

Life Changes...

In September of 2010 Christian and I made the hard decision to bid our house (and yard) farewell.
It was a necessary step for our families survival. Luckily we were able to find an apartment in Raytown, a mere 3 miles
from our house. The move was quick and rather painless. Although, I will say that I feared for my fathers life
as he tried to maneuver our couch up our full flight of outdoor steps that lead to our apartment.

Though the move itself was more or less painless, the transition from house to apartment, with 4 kids has been
more of a process. I will eventually share these transitions in this blog. I will also use it as an emotional outlet when
one is needed. I am sure that projects, school talk, and recipes will find their way here too. So, this is my ice breaking post.
Hope you will stick around.